Donation Information
How we use donations
To facilitate the Annual general assembly (hall hire, stationary, refreshments, transport refund, etc.)
Train 30 peer counsellors in basic HIV counselling skills for 3days.
Train PLHIVs on Drug management / positive living for proper adherence of ARVs, drug exposure & drug misuse including alcohol and stress management as we hold and provide health talks to peers at selected Health centres so as to sensitize PLHIVs on dangers of COVID-19 - we conduct home visits to establish standard operating procedures campaigns.
Build a simple structure / house for the member / woman with HIV and living with Disability and buy for her a wheel chair
Buy cement/transport, bricks, doors, windows… to Miganja village in Nabuyoga sub county and identify some others too.
Create Income Generating Activities (IGA) for PLHIV who have disabilities, grandmothers / caregivers / child-headed homes / AIDS orphans so as to improve nutrition standards in communities.
Buy and distribute some nutritious food support and basic household items like blankets, soap & sanitisers, jerrycans, to PLHIV, Grandmother caretakers, child headed homes after COVID.